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Usha Silai School

Ekta Center has implemented a new project geared towards the women of the village. We have brought the Silai School Program to the village with the desire to empower the women of the village through vocational training, self-employment and setting up a micro enterprise for each woman.

We chose to partner with the Usha Silai School Program as their objectives aligned with ours. Their goal is to reach out to the most marginalized women residing in the remotest corners of the country and to teach them the skills of sewing and stitching with the goal of providing them with income-generating opportunities at their doorstep through micro-entrepreneurship.

Usha Silai School looks to address "distress migration" by generating self-employment opportunities for these women within their own village coupled with the desire to help these women improve their social standing within the community and create a multiplier effect of skill development through community-driven programs. By offering entrepreneurship and community-driven vocational training we are hoping to help these women realize their vast potential.

Usha has been running the Usha Silai School program since 2011 and has been setting up rural sewing centers since then. We are excited to partner with them in bringing this program to the Ekta Center. It is near and dear to the heart of Asha and she has been encouraged by the response of the women of the village.

Your generosity enables us to continue our work in the village of Barapur. Please consider partnering with us by giving a one-time or monthly donation. Your generosity is a vital part of this project. Visit our Donate page or contact us to learn more.

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