A government official was sent to the village to mark off the boundary lines for the school property. Though this may not seem like a noteworthy event, this is a huge step forward in the school adoption process. It also demonstrated to the villagers, again, that we are not just talk. We are doing the work to turn our plans into realities. They were very excited for the government official's visit and eagerly watched him at his work.
We continue to work through the school adoption process and hope to have it confirmed prior to the start of the 2022-2023 school year.
We need your help and partnership in raising the funds needed to outfit the school with the equipment necessary to make it a smart school. The government provides the land, the building, and basic furniture but we will be responsible for outfitting the school with electricity, cable, internet, TVs, cameras, projectors, computers and the salaries for the principal, technician, and janitor who will be managing the school along with the teachers.
Visit our Donate page and make a tax deductible donation to have an impact on an entire village's future.