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Immediate Needs

We are in a crucial time trying to finish converting the current two-room school house into a smart school. The small building lacks consistent electricity, water, and sewer. On top of that we are needing to outfit the rooms with the technology necessary to facilitate virtual education for the students of Barapur.

Currently fifty students attend school in these two small rooms. They attend when able, that is. With no electricity there are no fans, so when the temperatures sore the students are unable to be indoors. There is a lack of consistency in the presence of the teachers, and when they are there it does not mean there is a consistency in the instruction being given.

There are hundreds of children in Barapur, but with the lack of available education most of the students are forced to travel to neighboring villages to attend school. Our desire is to build a consistent learning environment that allows the children of this village to receive an education in their home town, without having to travel elsewhere.

The Ekta Center currently has a small computer lab and that is what the students have been utilizing for their computer literacy classes in preparation for the coming school year. It is only capable of handling a small number of students at a time. There is a larger school building but it is currently uninhabitable as it has been used as a cow shed for the past fifteen to twenty years. Our goal is to eventually renovate that building as well and outfit it with the technology that will allow it to become a smart school. When that time comes the current two-room school house will become the village preschool.

We are doing everything we can to have this two-room school house ready for students in time for the 2022-2023 school year but we need your help! We do not want to miss another year of education for these students. Please consider giving a one-time or monthly donation now towards our goal of outfitting this two-room school house in time for the start of school in the fall. Every donation helps. Visit our Donate page or contact us if you have any questions. Sangrock Youth Empowerment Initiative is a registered 501c3 and all donations are tax-deductible.

Thank you in advance for helping us bring consistent education to this rural village in India.

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